Quote for Today: John Holiday

© Lowrider_Girl with CCLicense

There are Navajo teachings about how a car works. This vehicle is very much like a horse, operating on the same principles. The automobile is considered more “intelligent,” and we think of it in such terms. The automobile is made of iron and steel taken from the earth. This iron is the earth’s spirit, which has been made into the body of the automobile. The trees, as vegetation, were also taken from the earth and made into rubber for the tires. The air, or spirit, is the same as that of a horse’s breath of life, instilled in its body. The arms and legs of the auto make it move. Then there are the dark storm clouds and heavenly bodies like lightning, which are found inside the auto to give it power. This is exactly the same power the horse has. Water, which comes from the earth, is put into the auto for its cooling system. Oil from the earth is similar to the fat from the earth a horse receives. Just as gasoline comes from the earth as fuel, plants are in a horse’s body to make it operate. Therefore, horses and cars are the same in every way.

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