“Space” Featured Artist Miriam Manglani

Synkroniciti is pleased to welcome poet Miriam Manglani, based in Massachusetts. “House Plant” laments the former intimacy between two lovers symbolized by a potted plant left behind, “its branches spilling over the side of the table—/ entwining—the way we used to when we slept together.” The coziness of shared space contrasts sharply with the feeling of neglect and absence. It’s an expressive and sensual metaphor, and the simplicity, brevity and vulnerability of Miriam’s poetry heightens not only longing and regret, but the wonder of what was and is no more. 

Experience “House Plant” in Synkroniciti’s November 30th issue, “Space,” Vol. 5, No. 4, available for purchase here: https://synkroniciti.com/the-magazine/purchase-individual-issues/.

Miriam Manglani lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and three children. She graduated with a degree in English from Brandeis University and works full-time as a Technical Training Manager. Her poems have been published in various magazines and journals including Sparks of Calliope, Red Eft Review, One Art, Glacial Hills Review, and Paterson Literary Review. Her poem,“They’ve Come,” was a finalist for the Beals Prize for Poetry. Her poetry chapbook, Ordinary Wonders, was published by Prolific Press. 

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