Quote for Today: Vikram Chandra


“Yes,” Sanjay said. “I know I will be reborn, that there is no escape from you. I know my life well and I know that I have not found liberation. I will have to come back to you. But remember, when I die, I do not give up to you, I renounce the world. The world in which nothing is clear, where there is horror at every turn, I am sick of it. I know I will be reborn into it. Since you say you are my friend, I will ask you a question. Does it get better?

“The world is the world. It is you that makes the horror.”

“A fine way of saying that it gets worse. All right, I ask you another question. If I must be reborn, I prefer not to be aware, to be always divided against myself, to be a monster; I have no doubt cursed myself through my actions, but have I done enough so that I will be reborn as an animal?”

“Why do you think that life as animal is a curse? It is rather a privilege.”

Vikram Chandra, Red Earth and Pouring Rain

Public Domain Image via Pixabay

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