Look and Listen #22: Baseera Khan’s Braidrage

Visual and Performance artist Baseera Khan spent her childhood in Denton, Texas, USA. Her parents moved to the US before her birth from Bangalore, India and kept a low profile because they feared deportation. A graduate of the University of North Texas, Cornell University and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Maine, her work deals with issues of identity and examines the residue left by the decolonizing process which plays such a large part in the political and social situations of our world.

Braidrage is a fusion of performance and visual art. She cast parts of her body in resin, embedding materials in them, and affixed them to a wall in the same way indoor rock climbing courses are made in gyms. She chalks herself up and moves over, up, and down the wall, leaving black streaks that form an abstract drawing. As a queer, femme Muslim feminist of Indian-Pakistani, and Afghan descent, she is raging and mourning over having to use portions of her self to climb a museum wall that was not meant for people like her. It is a very moving and liberating piece of art.

This video is from the University of Albany Art Museum in New York, USA.


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