Featured Artist: Sara Collie

Synkroniciti is ecstatic to welcome back Sara Collie (2:3), this time with a beautiful photo essay called “The Art of Deadheading.” Sara guides us gently to a place of play and purpose, wedding the creative impulse to the gardening practice of deadheading, or removing spent and fading flowers to encourage more bloom, and showing how the result can calm and heal us.
To read and experience this beautiful, transformative piece, you should subscribe or purchase the issue.
Sara Collie is a writer, language tutor and wandering soul living in Cambridge, England. She has a PhD in Contemporary French Literature and loves playing with words, gardening, wild swimming and walking in the mountains. Her writing explores the wild, uncertain spaces of nature, the ups and downs of mental health, and the mysteries of the creative process. Her poetry and prose have appeared in various online and print anthologies. She is currently writing a memoir about her experiences hiking across the Pyrenees.
You can find links to her writing at www.saracollie.wordpress.com

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