Featured Artist: Judith Pratt

Synkroniciti is glad to welcome writer Judith Pratt and her sparkling ten-minute play “Inspiration.” Inveterately perky Lily and dour Gabe go out into the country to watch a meteor shower and search for inspiration for Gabe’s art career. Roles are reversed when inspiration takes an unexpected physical form.
We will be sharing a little of Judith’s work here today, but, if you want to read this clever piece, you should subscribe
Judith Pratt has been an actor, a director, a theatre teacher, and a freelance writer. Her plays have been produced in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Kansas City (MO), and Cape Town, South Africa.
Then a character in one of her plays had a new story to tell—a story that would never fit on a stage. So she wrote a novel, The Dry Country. That was so much fun that she wrote another novel, Siljeea Magic. It was indie-published in 2019, the same year that her play Maize won a couple of prizes.
Judith likes to read, and write, fabulism, aka magical realism. She lives in Ithaca, NY, with a husband and three cockatiels.
Check out Judith’s website: http://www.judithpratt.com/

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