Featured Artist: Chelsea Fanning

Synkroniciti is thrilled to welcome the first of our Featured Artists of “Ritual,” poet and writer Chelsea Fanning, with three stunning feminist poems, “The Cult of VenusTM,” “boy meets girl,” and “Hereditary.” Together they pick away at the misogyny and female denigration that persist and often prevail in modern society. The first explores the “cult of beauty” that leads many women to shave body hair to improve desirability, while the second speaks of the societal displacement and rejection of female individuation and purpose. The last is a manifesto and statement of solidarity with women branded and burned for using their talents and skills to improve their communities and empower themselves and other marginalized beings. This is strong stuff and Chelsea’s voice is majestic, full of fire and color, and at the same time, extremely relatable.

Read these empowering poems in Synkroniciti’s upcoming issue, “Ritual,” which will debut online on March 1st. Subscribe or purchase the individual issue here.

Chelsea Fanning is a writer, poet, editor, feminist, witch from New Jersey. She has an MFA from Drew University and is the poetry editor at Fatal Flaw Magazine. Previous work has appeared or is forthcoming in From Whispers to Roars, OyeDrum, Mom Egg Review, Rogue Agent, Phantom Drift Limited, Ethel Zine, Big City Lit, They Call Us, Flora Fiction, Literary North, and Cauldron Anthology. Her poetry delves into themes of redefinition, reclamation, wholeness, muchness, womanhood, religion, identity, gender, rebirth, and regeneration.


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