“Curiosity” Featured Artist Peter Motzenbecker

Synkroniciti is pleased to welcome poet Peter Motzenbecker. His poem, “Wonder Reborn,” explores the paradox of curiosity: the more we know about how things work, the more science shows us about our world, the more our sense of mystery changes and deepens. We move from the microcosm to the macrocosm with all of the spiritual and scientific connotations accompanying the analogy of dust and stars. “Ambient light drowns out luminous, invisible specks as daylight outshines the stars.” Many people fear science because it dismisses illusions and changes understanding. Peter quietly and gently shows us that we don’t need to be afraid, we can keep a sense of wonder if we allow it to be illuminated and reborn on a larger scale. The metaphor, like Peter’s language, is rich, nuanced and understated–the more you ponder, the more is revealed.

Experience Peter’s illuminating poem in the newest issue of Synkroniciti, “Curiosity,” now available for purchase and digital download here: https://synkroniciti.com/the-magazine/purchase-individual-issues/.

Peter Motzenbecker searches for poems where experience meets thought. Through persistence and serendipity, he occasionally finds one.

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